dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2008
Dialoge 1 of the third term
Asking for permission
Marc Dad, can I go swimming with Anna?
Dad Yeah, Sure.
Marc Cool. Oh, and then can I go to the cinema?
Dad No, you can't
Marc Why not?
Dad Becaus it's Wednsday night, and you've got school tomorrew.
Marc Ok. One mor thing, can I borrow some money?
Dad Yeah, Ok. I'll lend you 10 pounds. But I'll only lend you money if you promise to tidy your room when you get back. Here you go.
Marc Ok. I will. Thanks, dad.
Dialoge 2 for the third term
Asking for and giving advice
Marc Hey, Sergi. Are you Ok?
Sergi No, I don't feel very well.
Marc Why, what's wrong?
Sergi I've got a headache
Marc Have you taken an aspirin?
Sergi Yes, I have but I still fell terrible.
Marc Well, you should tell the teacher. You really shouldn't do PE
Sergi Yes, I suppose you're right.
Dialoge 3 for the third term
Talking about preferences
Mum Where do you want to go on holiday this summer?Sergi Er, I Know, l'ets go to Spain!
Mum Spain? I'd rather go to Scotland
Sergi But it's cold there. Why can't we go tho the beach?
Mum We could stay at a campsite
Sergi No, I don't like the idea
Mum Well, how do you fany staying in a castle?
Sergi Yeah, that's a great idea. We've never stayed in a castle!
Asking for permission
Marc Dad, can I go swimming with Anna?
Dad Yeah, Sure.
Marc Cool. Oh, and then can I go to the cinema?
Dad No, you can't
Marc Why not?
Dad Becaus it's Wednsday night, and you've got school tomorrew.
Marc Ok. One mor thing, can I borrow some money?
Dad Yeah, Ok. I'll lend you 10 pounds. But I'll only lend you money if you promise to tidy your room when you get back. Here you go.
Marc Ok. I will. Thanks, dad.
Dialoge 2 for the third term
Asking for and giving advice
Marc Hey, Sergi. Are you Ok?
Sergi No, I don't feel very well.
Marc Why, what's wrong?
Sergi I've got a headache
Marc Have you taken an aspirin?
Sergi Yes, I have but I still fell terrible.
Marc Well, you should tell the teacher. You really shouldn't do PE
Sergi Yes, I suppose you're right.
Dialoge 3 for the third term
Talking about preferences
Mum Where do you want to go on holiday this summer?Sergi Er, I Know, l'ets go to Spain!
Mum Spain? I'd rather go to Scotland
Sergi But it's cold there. Why can't we go tho the beach?
Mum We could stay at a campsite
Sergi No, I don't like the idea
Mum Well, how do you fany staying in a castle?
Sergi Yeah, that's a great idea. We've never stayed in a castle!
dimecres, 6 de febrer del 2008

Dialoge 1
Phoning a friend
Sergi's dad: Hello?
Marc: Hi, it's Marc. Is Sergi there, please.
Sergi's dad: Er, yeah, hang one a minute. I'll just get her!
Sergi: Hello
Marc: Hi, Sergi. It's Marc. Do you want to come you and thought? I'm going to watch a film.
Sergi: Yeah, OK. What time?
Marc: About seven o'clock
Sergi: Ok. See you later!
Dialouge 2
Making arrangaments
Sergi: Hi, Marc. I've got a new
Marc: Yeah, of course. When?
Sergi: How ablut Friday night?
Marc: Sorry! I'm busy. I'm going to a sleepover at Jen's house.
Sergi: I 'm free on Saturday afternon. What about you?
Marc: I'm not doing anithing.
Sergi: Great. Let's meet on Saturday, then. Do you want to come round to my house at four o'clock.
Marc: Yes, all right, see you then.
Dialouge 3
At a tichet ofice.
Ticket: Hello
Marc: Hi, I like two tichets, please.
Ticket: Ciartanly. How old are you?
Marc: I'm fourteen and my sister is eighteen
Ticket: All right. So, that's one adult and one chield. That's E12.50 aloghther, please.
Marc: Ok. Here you are?
Ticket: Thanks. Here's your change and your tickets. Enjoy your visit.
Phoning a friend
Sergi's dad: Hello?
Marc: Hi, it's Marc. Is Sergi there, please.
Sergi's dad: Er, yeah, hang one a minute. I'll just get her!
Sergi: Hello
Marc: Hi, Sergi. It's Marc. Do you want to come you and thought? I'm going to watch a film.
Sergi: Yeah, OK. What time?
Marc: About seven o'clock
Sergi: Ok. See you later!
Dialouge 2
Making arrangaments
Sergi: Hi, Marc. I've got a new
Marc: Yeah, of course. When?
Sergi: How ablut Friday night?
Marc: Sorry! I'm busy. I'm going to a sleepover at Jen's house.
Sergi: I 'm free on Saturday afternon. What about you?
Marc: I'm not doing anithing.
Sergi: Great. Let's meet on Saturday, then. Do you want to come round to my house at four o'clock.
Marc: Yes, all right, see you then.
Dialouge 3
At a tichet ofice.
Ticket: Hello
Marc: Hi, I like two tichets, please.
Ticket: Ciartanly. How old are you?
Marc: I'm fourteen and my sister is eighteen
Ticket: All right. So, that's one adult and one chield. That's E12.50 aloghther, please.
Marc: Ok. Here you are?
Ticket: Thanks. Here's your change and your tickets. Enjoy your visit.
dijous, 17 de gener del 2008

Angelina Jolie was born on 4th June 1975. She grew up in California, USA.
She acted in her first film when she was five.
She went to a drama school at age eleven.
When Angelina was young she appeared in music videos. In 1999s, she starrek in The Bone Collector(1999), her first big film. In 1999 she won an Oscar. She became famous in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and other films.
Angelina now is a film star and helps children's organisations. She lives in the USA with her children.
dijous, 10 de gener del 2008

On Friday evening, I usually stay in. My friend Peter sometimes comes to my house and we go out with our friends. Sometimes we go to a party.
On Saturday, I do my homework and I ride my bike, I go with some friends, and play computer games with my brother. In winter, I practise ski with my colleagues.
I sometimes go to see a Barça football match.
On Sunday morning, I always get up early an I go by motorbike. We sometimes go have lunch in the retaurnat El Capitell with my family and I usually go to sleep early.
My favourite TV programme is La Masia de 1907.
I like this programme because the stories in the prgramme are great. I also think that it's funny.
In the programme there are two families. They are living with animals. They are going to the field, to animals and cook the lunch, the brekfast, and the dinner. It's very difficult for them.
In my opinion it's very difficult because they haven't got any food.
I love his programme, it's very funny,
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