dijous, 10 de gener del 2008



On Friday evening, I usually stay in. My friend Peter sometimes comes to my house and we go out with our friends. Sometimes we go to a party.

On Saturday, I do my homework and I ride my bike, I go with some friends, and play computer games with my brother. In winter, I practise ski with my colleagues.

I sometimes go to see a Barça football match.

On Sunday morning, I always get up early an I go by motorbike. We sometimes go have lunch in the retaurnat El Capitell with my family and I usually go to sleep early.


My favourite TV programme is La Masia de 1907.

I like this programme because the stories in the prgramme are great. I also think that it's funny.

In the programme there are two families. They are living with animals. They are going to the field, to animals and cook the lunch, the brekfast, and the dinner. It's very difficult for them.

In my opinion it's very difficult because they haven't got any food.

I love his programme, it's very funny,