dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2008


Dialoge 1 of the third term
Asking for permission

Marc Dad, can I go swimming with Anna?
Dad Yeah, Sure.
Marc Cool. Oh, and then can I go to the cinema?
Dad No, you can't
Marc Why not?
Dad Becaus it's Wednsday night, and you've got school tomorrew.
Marc Ok. One mor thing, can I borrow some money?
Dad Yeah, Ok. I'll lend you 10 pounds. But I'll only lend you money if you promise to tidy your room when you get back. Here you go.
Marc Ok. I will. Thanks, dad.

Dialoge 2 for the third term
Asking for and giving advice

Marc Hey, Sergi. Are you Ok?
Sergi No, I don't feel very well.
Marc Why, what's wrong?
Sergi I've got a headache
Marc Have you taken an aspirin?
Sergi Yes, I have but I still fell terrible.
Marc Well, you should tell the teacher. You really shouldn't do PE
Sergi Yes, I suppose you're right.

Dialoge 3 for the third term
Talking about preferences

Mum Where do you want to go on holiday this summer?Sergi Er, I Know, l'ets go to Spain!
Mum Spain? I'd rather go to Scotland
Sergi But it's cold there. Why can't we go tho the beach?
Mum We could stay at a campsite
Sergi No, I don't like the idea
Mum Well, how do you fany staying in a castle?
Sergi Yeah, that's a great idea. We've never stayed in a castle!